Counter point: butter is good

Food hot take #13: Sunflower spread is better than butter on bread products. It’s less sickly and has such a smooth texture. Butter is overrated on bread.

Aug 31, 2023, 8:19 PM
0 1 15


turn this into a ratio and it will 100% destroy @dertermenter’s take (which has 0 likes rn)

It’s actually happening.

back up your point dude

you learned that in elementary school

- butter is still smooth - considering sunflower butter, butter has more uses for cooking - I'm still interested to try sunflower butter though - while you can put sunflower butter on toast, I don't think butter is a good comparison to it

sunflower butter is 10x better than butter on any bread product

I resle your opinion :) that being said I need to try sunflower butter before I can say much more 👍😋

fair enough, sorry my previous comment was meant to come off as more casual, not so serious with no puncuation