So i was thinking about the forums today and wanted to think of a ranking of my top 5 forumers of all time.


  1. The2000

  2. Fdreerf

  3. 10goto10

  4. Za-Chary

  5. PhilPhenomenon/RL1123

but many more are extremely good - what are your thoughts?

Also, why we are here…. yes I am still perma banned on Scratch and waiting for my appeal to get an answer…. and i don’t think one is coming. nearly 4 months now which is a bit ridicilous even if they have a lot to go through….


fdreerf for real

also appeal again. They will not be answering at this point if they haven’t already. When I was banned, if they didn’t respond to my email within 30 minutes, they would not be responding at all.

Many would put fdreerf first….. i will appeal again soon

I really liked fdreerf. They were super funny.

i’m a little sad i never got to use the forums while fdreerf was around, seemed like a nice person