okay, like, I agree, but are you sure you aren’t just a little bit high?

(cracks knuckles)

[clears throat]

"aight, bet, y'all ain't ready for this realness. let me spit some straight facts rq...

[takes a deep breath]

i'll keep it 💯: sometimes, life just be like that. like, why do bad things happen to good people? i just don't get it, y'know? it's like, everything is fine... until it's not, right?

[pauses and sips from a capri-sun]

it's like, life is just a whole lot of bruh moments. you feel me?


um, like, no, bro... i swear i'm not high, y'know? i mean, i know i sound like a high person... but, like, i'm so, so totally sober, bruh. so, like... maybe they're the ones who are high, not me, you feel me? or... what if i am the one who's high...? damn, dude... that's deep. wait, what are we talking about again?