A dangerous problem with using NeurOS is that when you “get hacked”, the attacker has control over your whole brain rather than just a single account.

Man I don’t know what came over me, “bite people” and “I want to be a creature.” Did I get brain damage or something? It’s good to be back to normal. I should really delete that @nihilev alt, I don’t want people seeing that phase anymore.

hi guys I’m normal again


As the founding (and only) developer of NEUROS I find this post extremely degrading to the efforts of the NEUROS security team. (Please take this down I will cry we might lose investors because of this post)


attempt to access data in CORE with identifier "secLog" yielded no results

you should sue for defamation

a) isn’t it defamation only if its untrue? b) pls dont sue i dont has moneys 🥺

you’re getting sued for being a meanie ):<

Suing is mean so i will sue you for being a meanie :<

I’ll call Saul.

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