Hallo! As a newbie to here, may I be told in your own amazing words what this site is?


It has a really good community and most of us specialize in technical topics, also, may I ask how you found the site?

I heard of conflict and controversy. Which can’t say I “like”. But also it seems like a site quite full of personality. Which I do like.

We’ve had some crazy times, for sure, but I think most of that is behind us now.

As long as this site maintains the personality and humanity as stated in the about page, I think I’d be down to stay. As this is what I came for.

That’s good, the more the merrier

wasteof is:

a simple site trying to accomplish a simple task developed by a single teenager in Switzerland.

source: beta.wasteof.money/about

hi dango! chill or hellfire, depending on how you interact :P