did israel ever say why did they decide to bomb an area knowing well that the bombs most likely won´t hit the actual targets (the tunnel bunkers)?

just wanted to remind the people here that children (and all the other kinds of people who deserve to live) are still being bombed and starved in Gaza

I know that this is mostly a site about things like programming or art or other generally casual topics, but I do feel like this isn’t being talked about enough on here, I haven’t seen anything about it in my feed for weeks, if not over a month

Please at least think and/or talk about this crisis, thank you

Feb 18, 2024, 4:53 PM
33 13 21


because they don't care about the lives of Palestinians. In their view, all Palestinians (including children) are equal and all deserve to be destroyed.

they don't think of Palestinians as humans, and therefore don't feel like they need treat them like humans either.

Please don’t generalise, but if there are people anywhere who think that, it’s really sad and makes me lose hope in humanity

I'm not generalizing. Look at their policies and actions. When their defense minister says that Palestinians are human animals who deserve to be cut off from all food, water, medicine, and fuel, and the military has committed this many war crimes against civilians, I think it's pretty fair to say that they (its government and leaders) aren't showing any regard for the value of human life.

it’s sad but you don't have to lose hope in humanity. a lot of bad things are and have happened in human history that are caused by hatred, but in the case of this conflict, the majority of the countries (all but 10) can see the cruelty and have voted for an end to this assault against civilians.

sorry, forgot about context and thought this was formulated like smth the leo-alike guy said- i hope that the israel gov didn´t receive any support since they said that, this needs to stop

I saw a quote from an israeli minister saying that they were prioritizing destruction over precision, so I guess that’s one of the reasons why

Also the soldiers consider Palestinians to be animals that deserve to die

I don’t have the links but there are videos on tik tok of those soldiers committing atrocities, I saw one of them destroying a shop and smashing everything, and one where someone was advertising their barber shop next to the corpses of dead Palestinians