just wanted to remind the people here that children (and all the other kinds of people who deserve to live) are still being bombed and starved in Gaza

I know that this is mostly a site about things like programming or art or other generally casual topics, but I do feel like this isn’t being talked about enough on here, I haven’t seen anything about it in my feed for weeks, if not over a month

Please at least think and/or talk about this crisis, thank you

Feb 18, 2024, 4:53 PM
33 13 21


i agree that it’s important to talk about all the israeli and palestinian civilian victims of this tragedy, none of these people deserve to die, but i don’t see anyone talking about the 300,000+ civilian casualties in the syrian civil war, or the 12 million syrians displaced in that same war which has been raging on since 2011.

are we calling on our politicians to support those in syria? what about myanmar? central african republic? why not?

I never implied that, those people should not be dying either, we should be supporting those people too

hamas is also using them as human shields and planting weapons in hospitals and schools to be used as a shield which is awful.

okay, but what would be more mature?

  1. bombing the hospital

  2. having soldiers go in there manually (rare occasion) and find Hamas members that way?

I am completely fine with this post being on wasteof and everyone else should be too, but besides that, yeah, it really sucks to see that there are children being bombed in Gaza. Palestine shall be free from the river to the sea.

personally: I don't really want to see these sorts of posts on wasteof. I already know the sort of stuff going on, and it sucks. I do not need informed when I'm already informed.I support Palestine. I don't like political posts on social media, they can be really annoying.

sorry if that’s the case, but the people in Palestine actually have to live through this (and possibly die), and most of the powerful countries are doing barely anything to help, if not making things worse (cutting funding to aid organizations, supplying weapons to israel, etc.) so the responsibility has fallen on us to help them.

I also don’t magically know whether people are informed or not, but the lack of posts on here made it seem like people had stopped caring about this situation.

i don't get the problem people have with political posts on social media. saying "free palestine" is no more political than saying "trans rights". should either of these things be discouraged? i don’t think so. politics is so incredibly important and intersects with everyones daily lives. if someone who lives in gaza joined wasteof would you tell them not to talk about what’s happening in their life? would it still be considered political if they talked about what was happening to them?

In my personal opinion there isn’t much we can do if governments themselves aren’t able to resolve this in a so called “easy” or “peaceful” manner - but yes awareness is important.

actually lobbying and publicity/public pressure can be really good vehicles for change! not always ofc, but often if enough people seem to care enough to shift money flow or disrupt daily life, often that helps push officials who might be against or on the fence into action :]

I’m pretty sure starbucks lost 9.4% of its value (11 billion dollars) from the boycotts

oh W! love to see that :)

@imadeanaccount @gryffin @esben (bulk replying to your comments)

My intention with this post was to raise or renew awareness of the crisis in Gaza

I am very relieved that this didn’t start a comment war, and it’s good to hear that people are still aware of ongoing events

This won’t be all that I talk about, and I will admit that my posts have been a bit heavy lately, so I’ll take a bit of a break from these sorts of posts, but I will sprinkle them in from time to time because I do feel that they are important.

Just to be clear, I don't specifically think you should take a break from these posts. I was just letting you know some of the reasons why I've felt less motivated to make posts about them here, not because I have any problem whatsoever with seeing or discussing these topics on wasteof :)

Yeah ofc, you have a right to give your opinion.

+1 for sure

I kind of stopped talking about it as much here even though I have been doing/talking a lot more about it irl and in other places (discord, etc.) where I felt like my presence/contributions were more meaningful/effective to informing/changing peoples’ viewpoints (it seems like people are less likely to engage in these types of conversations on wasteof than in other places, probably because of the relatively small user base and relative lack of difference in viewpoints here)

personally i think that basically all of the active users have good awareness on the situation and we don’t need to be fueling the fire unless there are new developments

not supporting israel or anything though

Yeah, it’s good to raise stuff, but you also don’t want to only talk about politics all the time.

True. Last time I tried to “fuel the fire” things went south.

i wouldn’t say the site’s primary focus is programming, i’d say it’s like anything else

though, you’re right, on anything else there are many posts about the genocide in palestine