this is a google earth screenshot of where my second middle school used to be

The origin of “wahsp” comes from a classmate who was pronouncing wasp incorrectly. He was referring to wasps that were coming from a shed we were near during gym class. However, eight years later this shed clearly no longer exists…


☝️🤓 erm, actually I'm a geoguesser pro

oh yeah? post your address 🤨

123 Fake Street, Springfield

sending 10 boxes of pizza to your house rn

I wish but I'm at a friend's house

🫡 rip birthplace of old

it does make me feel old

to be more serious there is actually a decent chance someone figures out the exact location

nah. I mean I share probably too much on the internet so it might not be super hard, but I don’t think this image specifically gives a lot away. I also don’t really care if people find this spot specifically anyway

tbh I’d just be impressed actually