Attention all iOS users!

The moment you’ve all been waiting for: Beta-test the wasteof iOS app!

Follow the instructions at this link:

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As I tried to say before wasteof crashed . . .

In a nutshell, I can't test this unless I can download the Xcode project and sideload the app myself. My parents don't know that I'm using wasteof, let alone from my phone, and I don't think they would approve of it. I fear that inserting my Apple ID into a TestFlight beta would attract attention from my parents.

That’s understandable, although they wouldn’t be able to see if you are in the beta. It won’t show them. You could just hide the app in a random folder somewhere.

I mean, like, emails and account status stuff that would come about as a result of joining this.

afaik there aren’t any

Yeah like silly said there aren’t any emails or notifications

even though heta you listed is almost a non-issue, if you wanted to still go tbis route the gh repo IS public iirc

also i’d recommended sideloading via altstore, since then you get automatic cert refreshes

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