We have also decided to show the nations with the most views for this year. Thank you for your support for all of this.

For the top 15 countries, we have these following nations:

  1. USA: 8,560 views (ok, WOAH, really? Thank you)

  2. Australia: 310 views

  3. UK: 297 views

  4. New Zealand: 272 views

  5. Philippines: 210 views

  6. Spain: 149 views

  7. Canada: 133 views

  8. Israel/Palestine: 88 views

  9. Germany: 82 views

  10. France: 42 views

  11. Netherlands: 35 views

  12. Ireland: 34 views

  13. Romania: 34 views

  14. China: 28 views

  15. Ukraine: 16 views

Honorable Mentions:

India: 13 views

Singapore: 13 views

Poland: 12 views

So what is your country? Is it on the list?

Hello Blazers!

We are excited to announce that today is Blaze’s FIRST anniversary of existence! Over this past year, we have reached:

  • 150 users

  • 36 countries

  • And 10,378 views!

Thank you to everyone for your support. We cannot wait to show you what we have in store for you for the next year! Thank you for using the flame of social media




love how you track countries the user sessions come from <3 /s

Meanwhile in the last 24 hours, Meower has received 234,000 views from the US alone

what do you mean by views?

The amount of people that visited the site

so like each user session? or like by page views?

Page views

spain here!