the s in siri stands for stanford and i just wanted to let you know that

edit: not really. but here’s the explanation.

Apple didn’t invent Siri - originally it was made by a company called Siri Inc., which spun out of an organization called SRI, which used to stand for Stanford Research Institute.

May 7, 2024, 3:50 PM
19 1 11


cool story bro

Wrong, read @donotforgetmycode ’s repost.

the t in wasteof money stands for tetris this is a reference to jeffalos lifetime love of tetris

(edit) this is true.

i’m sorry this reply is kind of mean i promise you i didn’t intend it to be i thought it would be funnier

Haha, nice one, but you got ratio’d.

Nice. Would you also support the ratio that we’re doing? It’s in our profile.

this is the saddest thing ive read all month and i was in the hospital for a week