What I Think

Wasteof.money is a website that offers various services to its users. However, it is currently facing the challenge of attracting more users to its platform. To address this issue, Wasteof.money has come up with a couple of strategies. Firstly, they are planning to create a podcast that will serve as a marketing tool to increase their user base. Secondly, they have made their app available on the app store to make it more accessible to potential users. However, one area they could improve on is their branding. The current domain name, "Wasteof.money", sounds unprofessional and may not instill confidence in potential users. They could consider changing their domain name to something more serious and professional, such as "Wasteof.org" or "Wasteof.com". Another strategy that Wasteof.money has not yet explored is advertising through sponsorships on YouTube channels. They could identify suitable channels such as Griffpatch or any other YouTube channels with a similar target audience and collaborate with them to promote their platform. By doing so, they could potentially increase their visibility and attract more users to their website. Overall, with a combination of effective marketing strategies and a more professional branding approach, Wasteof.money could potentially grow their user base and become a more successful platform.


overall this post sounds very AI written but I need to say a few things

  • wasteof.money (jeffalo) himself is not making the podcast. the podcast isn’t being made to increase the user base. the podcast is being made by community members.

  • the app on the google play store is made by the community as well. the project is maintained by @ micahlt

  • changing the domain name would take away the charm of wasteof. the official name is wasteof.money. wasteof itself has pretty much 0 meaning. wasteof dot money is funny.

  • wasteof doesn’t need advertisement. it’s spread by word of mouth and people telling their friends to join, mainly.

If wo.m got advertisement, the community would experience many more kerfuffles than it already has.

it was ai edited by Grammarly, and this is my opinion

wo.m isn’t a “successful social media” it’s a fun project made by a teenager in the land of Cheese and Skiing

…and the last season of jet lag: the game

this is my opinion

i apologize if this sounded annoying, that wasn’t my intention i respect your opinion. :)

Are you quite sure you’re old enough to be using wo.m?