How to play Battle for Google Sheets

To Sign Up: Reply below with the desired name of your Society, the name of its Capital, and the central coordinates you want. You must be at least 40 tiles away from another Society.


  • Building: choose the coordinates of the building you want. If you have the resources, it’ll be built. You can only build on your Player Map.

  • Harvesting: you can harvest resources within your own Player Map or territory at any time, or up to 5 tiles away for anything outside.

  • Expanding: you can expand your territory once every turn, up to 10 tiles (at base). Doing so requires food, with increasing requirements per tile.

  • Attacking: you may attack any Society given enough power. Simply state which Society you want to attack, and I’ll handle the rest. Generally, the Society with the most power wins.

  • Alliances: You can ally with another Society to share resources. You’ll need to coordinate this with me and the Society’s commander. Separating alliances is not possible unless you both agree. Alliances are automatically separated if one player leaves or quits.

  • Merging: this combines two Societies into one, and splits control between two players. To merge, you must be allied with that Society, and both agree to a merge. You must come up with a new name and Capital. Merges cannot be undone.

May 15, 2024, 3:46 AM
2 0 10


Do I just ask for actions or do I have to edit them into the sheet?

To make actions, just describe what you want to do, and specify relevant parameters if necessary. For example, “I build a Duplex House at AB52:AC53”, “I use 16 harvests on the trees at J20:K21”, “I expand my territory 5 tiles to the northeast”.

If you have any other questions, including how to perform a specific action, or the resource costs of your territory, please ask! I don’t expect everyone to know how everything goes, which is why I’m here to guide them. The plan is to introduce the basics, then start easing everyone into the flow of the game by enabling the tech tree, attacking and events.

Ok, so can I build a basic shack at BY, 108?

You seem to want to build on the Main Map rather than your Player Map, which is the only place you can build. Please pick a suitable location there. You can build multiple structures in one turn if you have the resources, and harvest materials for extra space.

Where’s the player map exactly? Sorry if this is obvious I’ve never played a game like this

Main Map spreadsheet > Players

You’ll find a list of Player Maps that you can access. Yours will be there.

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What kind of buildings can you make

Please visit the Main Map sheet and check the ”Constructions” tab. This is a list of all buildings currently in the game.