It appears the call worked. Now, this is an interesting case of a wasteofer using a script to detect if one has followed Jeffalo.

Now, if you have already used this technique once, do not try to use it again, as studies shown that they will ignore the call, and in fact show annoyance.

Join us again in a few hours when we discuss how to call a wild @kiwi and more.

welcome to wasteof :D

And now, onto the topic of calling wild wasteofers to you if you spot them.

For today's episode, we will be calling a wild @radi8. Now, there is no particular call or sound you can make to make them come to you. No, it's much simpler.

Simply follow @jeffalo (more information on that creature in a future episode) and the radi8 will track you down relentlessly to tell you, "Welcome to wasteof :D".
