it’s so funny looking at the new apple stuff from wwdc because as an android user i can tell you that 95% of this stuff has been here for years (the only good thing from wwdc is that iOS is getting RCS)

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So much of AI just seems counterproductive, “ChatGPT is going to revolutionise how we find information" meanwhile every tech company including Apple is slapping labels on outputs that go “hey man this thing is probably making everything up, and you need to double-check it lmao”. What’s the point of that? If you’re telling me I can’t trust it, then why should I use it? Google put AI into search, and it has to say you need to check what it says, that’s slower than just Googling it normally. Generative images seem like they have more downsides than upsides, the amount of AI generated images being used to spread misinfo is insane, and it’s allowed anyone to do it cheaply without any barrier to entry. Like I know I’m not an expert, but I just don’t understand the point of a lot of AI.

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