Do you think AI can generate IGOR by Tyler, The Creator? By The Time I Get to Phoenix by Injury Reserve? Everywhere At The End Of Time by The Caretaker? Everything Everywhere All At Once? Into/Across The Spider-Verse? Love, Death & Robots? Utopia? A Picasso painting? A Zdzisław Beksiński painting? Can it write Animal Farm by George Orwell? Watership Down by Richard Adams? I don’t think it can. Art is made by humans to connect with other humans, to make us feel, think, and more. Human art understands humans. AI art only understands what it is fed. It can generate a generic picture but yet can’t generate a hand properly, one of the earliest pieces of art ever made were handprints and a computer can’t understand it enough to generate it right. I think that says a lot about the difference between human and AI art. AI and tech bros don’t understand this about art, they never will and even if they did or do they don’t care, they see art merely as a product, a commodity with no other value than the price tag slapped on it. “How much can we charge a subscription to access this art for?” is the only thought that crosses the minds of people who champion this kind of soulless, emotionless “art”.

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What I don’t like the most is probably how people make money from making a bracelet out of cardboard (yes, there’s one in a vault in a museum in London) while my little brother could make one and even make it look prettier and nobody would buy it.

thats probly just pretentious bozos then lol, art shouldnt be created for the purpose of making money, that isnt art


I also personally don’t like modern art, it seems disgusting

fair enough, but I think at least the OG modern art (the stuff in the early 20th century) should at least be appreciated in its historical context yk

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