Dont forget the rubber duck party

Oh boy, you’ve barely scratched the surface. Here are some more candidates who ran in our general election this year.

First off, we have Elmo. Yes, a guy dressed as Elmo ran in the same constituency as Keir Starmer (Holborn and St Pancras), leader of the Labour Party and now our current Prime Minister - Elmo even shook Starmer’s hand while a member of the Monster Raving Loony Party stood beside him. And yes, that is also a real political party that was founded in 1982 and still runs in UK elections today.


And we also have Niko Omilana, a YouTuber who ran for London Mayor a few years ago and came 5th place. Every time he appeared in interviews and promotional videos, he would wear children’s glasses that clearly don’t fit his head. This time he ran in the Richmond and Northallerton constituency of the incumbent Prime Minister before the election, Rishi Sunak. When the results started to come in, it was clear Rishi Sunak’s party, the Conservatives, were going to lose massively to Labour, as he did a speech in his constituency, Niko held an L sign behind him lmao.


And lastly, we have Captain Beany. He ran in the North East Somerset constituency next to the Conservative candidate Jacob Rees-Mogg - he’s not very liked, being the incumbent of that seat and also being excessively posh. He lost his seat while standing next to Captain Beany, who was wearing a baked bean balaclava.


just found out theres a UK prime minister candidate named Count Binface and he looks like a discount superhero

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