I’m preparing to shoot a movie in a couple weeks, and I need to be able to store up to 8 TB of footage. I’ll be shooting the movie on a bus as it travels long distances. The data needs to be backed up such that I’m positive I won’t lose it.
How can I do this cost-effectively? Should I keep a big hard drive with me on the bus and one back home that I can upload to? Is there a cheap cloud storage service that would be better than this? Is a rattling bus a dangerous place for a hard drive, and would a solid-state drive fare considerably better?
Y’all know more about computers than I do. Please come to my rescue.
In short: How should I store and back up 8 TB of footage while on the road?
If you want something super cheap, that can plug right into your PC or laptop. www.amazon.com/Seagate-Desktop-External-Drive-STGY8000400/dp/B07CQJBSQL/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2T4NVLIZKMRQT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gVCs_FLTaqgjQivNGd4yVdxYg8oKMTqzZDfgT0GOArS7G-D0fQeCoYLjdNcDGDdpQ5VtCsZJvtJThFc7lpcY02eibzARu74x-Hj_OywSRqUGdmtQvzSWYOHAn8R0P-u5wYE0fBi3iMAXII5Hib-Xo1UlobbYGUlAN6PwhdF4e8V2rKmamOFWHsoT22dYSh5rUb8fF-05fRlwbUticlPfMksOzNHDnhNCUNAfhbforzw.Xdg1MMrwlLzeUiOxgYB3Q52nzE8OzGjnWO4Ii7Zc9lQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=8%2Btb%2Bhard%2Bdrive&qid=1722005383&sprefix=8%2BTB%2B%2Caps%2C165&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9
If you want to pay more, but have it smaller and more convinienet, buying a few 1.5 TB micro SD cards ($100 each) would be more compact and easy to carry around, but it would be more expensive
I would recommend not getting microsd cards because they aren't the most durable and are also pretty slow