posting this on mill because i don’t want problems on main. for those of you who don’t know, there was a recent exposé of mrbeast done by one of his former employees. now “mrbeast expose“ content is created all the time, but this one added a decent amount of interesting points and proof to his claims. my personal opinion on that matter is that mrbeast has good intentions with everything he does, but he also has monetary intentions that are just as important to him if not more in some cases. i strongly believe that mrbeast should do what linustechtips did last year and restructure his brand to try to address as many of the problems that have been brought to light. while jimmy has done many amazing things for people in need, he really needs to rethink how he presents himself and his content, even if it comes with a loss in retention.

the video in question


I think it’s a similar thing that happened to Elon Musk (but differently). First off, I don’t think MrBeast is anywhere near as bad as Musk, he’s basically turned Twitter into a safe haven for hate and bigotry while he himself has fallen further into conspiracy and hate. But a few years ago he was seen as the “cool billionaire” - everyone seemed to think he was a really great guy, when in reality, he’s just as bad as other billionaires like Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg, but after he bought Twitter he started to show cracks in that “cool billionaire” persona, you started to see he’s just another arrogant rich person that people put on a pedestal. MrBeast is having a similar moment, people put him on a pedestal because he does charity work (which is good), but that doesn’t make him infallible, and now that serious and real issues are arising that penetrate the “selfless philanthropist” persona that people ascribe to him (he also has leaned into that persona in the past). This is why you shouldn’t idolise celebrities. MrBeast is a brand now, not a person, the person at the centre is Jimmy, and he does good things, but what people forget is that he is still a businessman, a more charitable businessman? For sure, but still a businessman, and people forget that part. They think Jimmy just does charity, but he doesn’t, he runs a media empire that is arguably bigger than some media corporations in terms of viewership and merch sales - he is a business who does charity too.

I like MrBeast in general, he’s a North Carolina boy like me. There was a point when he was really good and real.

I think MrBeast is kind of like Elon, he’s narcissistic and does things without thinking and can justify everything he does to himself. But like Elon he also does good things and there’s a reason he got to where he is. I think he got too full of himself.

The story of the modern era; the rich prey on the poor to increase their personal fortunes

This would cause problems if you said it on your main??

i feel like i can’t post as much stuff on main unless it has to do with my surrounding posts or is spaced out enough, plus with my amount of followers i feel in a strange spot when it comes to posting stuff. that’s why my bio is “basically wynd in 2021“ which is when i was able to just post random stuff on main without a decent amount of people seeing it. that’s why i post here more. also just in case there’s even more information that comes out i want to make sure my post doesn’t spread misinformation accidently

now that i think about it maybe i should either post this on main or recycle on main since there’s not that much stuff happening there