History of Project Nostophobia Missions

(Prologue removed to fit under character limit)

  • Project Nostophobia I: Concieved at an unrecorded time, though a trace of available data suggests that it happened at 2023.12.4.D. Abruptly called off at 2023.12.11.A after a rapid transport corridor, identified as a backdoor to the survey location, was found to have been sealed off.

  • Project Nostophobia II: Conceived around 2023.11.15.B. Secrecy breached, to no negative effect. Completion of archival was recorded at 2.18.E, and the secondary objective of review was completed and recorded at 3.16.B.

  • Project Nostophobia III: First conceived at 4.22.B without immediate action being taken. Completed alongside Project Nostophobia IV at 8.14.C. Project’s solution has been applied to a wider variety of applications, but may not be a permanent solution to them.

  • Project Nostophobia IV: Conceived at an unspecified date, but was first mentioned by name in 7.13.D: Draw And Horrify. Completed at 8.14.C alongside Project Nostophobia III. Repeats of this project may be carried out in the future.

  • Project Nostophobia V: Conceived at 7.17.B. The physical portion of the project was tentatively completed. The window charts created under the project are available for future uses.

  • Project Nostophobia VI: Conceived over a year ago, but was written about at 3.7.A, and was schemed out at 7.31.E. Ongoing; currently consulting with experts on topics involved in the project.


what do the day letters mean

are they time groups? (like, E being night - 10pm to 4am)

  • A = morning (7am - noon)

  • B = midday (noon - 4pm)

  • C = afternoon (4pm - 6pm)

  • D = evening (6pm - 8pm)

  • E = PM night (8pm - midnight)

  • F = AM night (midnight - 7am)

Character limit is kinda annoying ngl