The fact that the equal pay debate in football between men and women still exists is something I can’t get my head around. It’s such simple logic that men should earn more as they make way more. The debate is embarrassing.


gotta use the word equity or else drama insures

Why do they deserve the same money if they generate way less?

Because the women will go to the moon and leave the men alone on earth /j

But seriously pay should be determined by how much you try or some people have unfair advantages, this is another issue with capitalism

No it should be generated on how much you earn and your contribution to society. Men footballers contribute more than women footballers as people clearly want to see them more, so evidently they are more entertaining due to the difference in quality.

But if women want to be seen less they'll get less stuff like ad revenue from ads on the sides of stadiums that's what I meant you didn't understand before

This feels like heavy generalizing

But if you pay women less, they'll generate less money and make less money and so on

Also that's really odd men aren't necessarily better at football than women

  1. Paying women less doesn’t mean they will generate less? Their pay should be on how much they generate, it’s not the other way around. And I’m not saying to pay women less, I’m saying that men and women should get payed the same percentage of what they make.

  2. I actually can’t fathom this take, men are 100x better than women at football. There’s a reason men football is watched more and makes more money - since the quality is way better. Australia women’s team lost 6-0 to a team of 15 year old boys, USA women’s team lost 9-1 (I think) to some old men.

"men are 100x better than women at football" bro what 😭 By the way, all black people are criminals, and all white men are homophobic racists

It’s just biology. And of course some women are better than football at men. But from a professional standpoint (what im taking about), men are a lot better than women at football. Like I said, the Australian women’s team lost heavily to teenage boys.

Obv statistics are hard to pinpoint, but if the Aussie team lost 6-0 to a team of 15 year olds, then it wouldn’t be the craziest thing in the whole wide world to assume they would could loose 100-0 to the best team of me. On average though, I agree with you, the average guy who plays football is probably not “100X” better than the average woman.

of course 100x is a hyperbole but men are a lot better at football then women. Any professional mens team would beat a professional womens team.

What don’t you understand

why should they make more?