Scratch pgers when they see wasteof:


you know maybe I should strengthen the password on the account I made when I was 11

what’s a scratch pger lol (i feel like i may regret asking this)

PG = password guessing

Basically where you hack an account for fun or clout or because it has a rare name. Since a lot of people on this website found it from Scratch the namesnipers carried out the “tradition” of pging accounts, starting with ayd who got @2, @3, @v and @g.

Then Marimo/Cloud came along and got several other names but none as rare. (@removed123).

And recently it’s been qxva who got maybe 5 accounts just for fun (???) before realising it’s bannable (which should be obvious) and stopping. They weren’t even rare.

All these people were Scratch users, and it’s annoying to see so many accounts get hacked by them. It’s also really difficult for the moderation to deal with.

Most people who did it got banned, few scratch users who enjoy collecting accounts have actually managed to stay unbanned on this website, and only one pger hasn’t been banned (qxva).

fyi @removed123 pged by qxva (I don’t have it)

Yes I know

What I meant by this was mostly ayd & qxva

I see

I pg'd about only 8 waste of acc

Did you stop though

And that’s more than qxva (5)

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oh huh, I guess I’m lucky my account made it unscathed lol

It doesn't necessarily mean that you’re going to be hacked, as long as you have a good password it's fine

This website has a vulnerability where you can make accounts and leave the password blank, so they mostly target those