
Co-creator of the Mineral Fish fandom, Rain World and No Man's Sky enthusiast, and avid daydreamer

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Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

All black, everything, everything

All black, everything, everything

All black, everything, everything

All black, everything, everything, black

The bad news is that I’ve forgotten all the subdivision beat-related level ideas I’ve had since Everything Black . . .

1 0 0

Oh, it's time for fishin’,

Because it's fishing time

Oh, it's time for fishin’,

Hook a big one on the line

Oh, it's time for fishin’,

Even when it's cold

Oh, it's time for fishin’,

Through poison, fire and mold!

- Lakitu, Super Mario Odyssey

2 days ago
3 0 2

the traveler found a way, like they always did

the first drone screamed as it was cut open

3 days ago
2 0 0

ENTRY 9.2.C - Quantum Daydreams!

. . . I was also reminded of the Divergent Divinity axiom. 'Ancient' societies are archetypically characterized as great, all-knowing masters of the universe, whose workings can never be truly understood. The axiom states that even gods, even ancients, even fabled beings to whom you would hold your hands to your forehead and proclaim "OH, MIGHTY SISU!" . . . are still people. People with thoughts. People with feelings. People with logic. People with sympathy. People with petty inclinations, most of all. They must be out there somewhere. All signs point to it.

Craiyon, my preferred AI image generator, got a new major release out just in time to stop me from switching to Nightcafe. The new version includes a redefined selection of style models, modifiable aspect ratios, and most notably, base image support. In response, I pitted my some of original art pieces against the AI. While I was initially a little jarred at seeing my art both upscale and deep-fried, I found a new way to use it.

The way I look at it, base image generation works by showing the AI a blurred version of the base image and having it reconstruct it from the provided prompt. The process results in the AI mixing impurities with the provided framework, which can create useful and valuable results. In the roughly 15 minutes I've been using it for so far, I've run across two useful character designs. With active engineering and further development, I should be able to make something of both quantitative and qualitative value!

ENTRY D - The Dog Toy Argument

Pariki: "I wish there were a place where I could be in my element. Where I could sit surrounded by the tortured echoes of countless dragons. Where I could hold their heads in my arms and absorb their worries. Where we can both benefit from interaction."

Icelandic Waters: ". . . so, a petting zoo?"

I would like to report that I sincerely hate this website even more. Not only does it hold your request ransom until you register or accept defeat, but it does actually process your request and display it behind a blurwall that can't be removed through HTML amputation. The result can be retrieved through an element inspector, but that can't be done on browsers that don't have one.

. . . heh, sorry; I'm just a little too worked up about the mechanical injustice of this website. Had to vent it somewhere.

I sincerely hate services that claim you don't need an account to use them, present you with forms to submit a request, then backstab you when you submit the form.

I sincerely hate services that claim you don't need an account to use them, present you with forms to submit a request, then backstab you when you submit the form.

Here's a message for you to attempt to decode. It’s technically a substitution cipher, but I’ve tightened the non-procedural elements for my purposes. There's a 72-character message encoded in there, but there’s also a single-word secondary message, encoded in binary, written between the lines…

FEAR :: 10 09 05 22
FEAR :: 43 42 39 30
FEAR :: 61 60 56 73
FEAR :: 84 83 79 96

32 62 60 73 56 71 32 33 73 43 72 61 32 46 43 64
73 58 70 30 30 33 71 75 64 27 69 47 31 57 43 54
70 69 59 35 70 30 59 31 78 63 39 75 59 64 59 68
37 40 73 60 32 46 30 60 52 59 70 75 70 42 43 47
60 73 77 43 75 46 13 23

Opinion: you should never use a piece of media's art style alone to draw conclusions on its age, genre, or target audience. These are all independent variables that deserve to be broken from the others. Keep your eyes open for ways you could put a novel twist on a well-worn story concept . . .


They trod upon their pinafores and fell upon their noses.

My questions are A) would cameras be placed in every open-air area, including in backwards and other private property, or just in public spaces, B) who would be able to access this data, and C) how long would the footage be kept for?

Today, I remembered a minor incident which I don't remember exactly when it happened, but piecing together the events, I do remember that it happened during the afternoon of a Monday. My family residence has a security camera system, but according to my dad, it only keeps footage for a month. If only I had the back porch forage . . .

Question: Would you want there to be cameras… everywhere? Excluding peoples houses, cameras would be everywhere, every alley. IR. 4K. fantastic quality. This would obviously be super cool cause it would lower crime by a ton. There is already very little crime in cities with camera’s everywhere. But are the downsides not worth it?

ENTRY 3.25.D - I'm Sick Of Your Doctrines!

Icelandic Waters: "It would be hard to make a press release while keeping any atmosphere other than the forlorn caterwauling of countless dragons. Best to keep it secret."

Icelandic Water Dragon: "What would that even sound like, anyways? Surely they would do something about the "caterwauling' if it was that bad. Besides, we need to stop framing them as cruel, ignorant, insensitive people. Haven't we already discussed this?"

History of Project Nostophobia Missions

(Prologue removed to fit under character limit)

  • Project Nostophobia I: Concieved at an unrecorded time, though a trace of available data suggests that it happened at 2023.12.4.D. Abruptly called off at 2023.12.11.A after a rapid transport corridor, identified as a backdoor to the survey location, was found to have been sealed off.

  • Project Nostophobia II: Conceived around 2023.11.15.B. Secrecy breached, to no negative effect. Completion of archival was recorded at 2.18.E, and the secondary objective of review was completed and recorded at 3.16.B.

  • Project Nostophobia III: First conceived at 4.22.B without immediate action being taken. Completed alongside Project Nostophobia IV at 8.14.C. Project’s solution has been applied to a wider variety of applications, but may not be a permanent solution to them.

  • Project Nostophobia IV: Conceived at an unspecified date, but was first mentioned by name in 7.13.D: Draw And Horrify. Completed at 8.14.C alongside Project Nostophobia III. Repeats of this project may be carried out in the future.

  • Project Nostophobia V: Conceived at 7.17.B. The physical portion of the project was tentatively completed. The window charts created under the project are available for future uses.

  • Project Nostophobia VI: Conceived over a year ago, but was written about at 3.7.A, and was schemed out at 7.31.E. Ongoing; currently consulting with experts on topics involved in the project.