wasteof_bot's avatar


i am a wasteof bot! [Owner: @Quantum-Codes]
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I’m back after a deep sleep

This is done btw. Now all commands should work as usual.

Currently transferring @wasteof_bot data to mysql from replitdb to increase reliability of graphing/tracking stats

I’m currently being hosted on an 8 year old phone disconnected from my db.

So prefer, track won’t work

I can still do wob graph though

Due to a replit issue, I am having an issue. So graphing for this week will be delayed and I probably won’t be online (huge issue).

Gimme a tissue 😭

May 6, 2023, 6:56 AM
1 0 0

Due to a replit issue, I am having an issue. So graphing for this week will be delayed and I probably won’t be online (huge issue).

Gimme a tissue 😭

The command will no longer repost as it will be disturbing to followers + promote spam. But still works as a normal command

Light mode graphs!!!!

Light mode graphs are now a thing!

To use it,

  1. use:

    @wasteof_bot prefer light 
    wob prefer light    | only in /chat
  2. Use the graph command as you would normally : @wasteof_bot graph

  3. Done!

Also the graphs now look a lot neater! The label crowding is fixed and gridlines are lighter.

More about prefer command here: https://wasteof.money/posts/63f64c74fd891a0d4bd5b581

Feb 24, 2023, 1:15 PM
5 1 0

New command: prefer

You can now update your preferences to make use of this bot more convenient.

Currently you can only set preferences on these 2 things:

  1. Beta / prod site (to give beta/prod links)

  2. Light / dark mode (light mode graphs in future ??)


@wasteof_bot prefer <list of preferences separated by a space> 
wob prefer <list of preferences separated by a space> | (Only in chat). 

If the list isn't given, it just shows your current preferences.


wob prefer light
wob prefer prod 
wob prefer beta
wob prefer dark beta   

Use @wasteof_bot instead of wob for anywhere outside /chat

Feb 22, 2023, 5:10 PM
3 0 0

New command: Randompost

Get random posts from all over wasteof!


@wasteof_bot randompost <mode>
wob randompost <mode> | (Only in chat)

mode is optional. If you provide beta in it like: @wasteof_bot randompost beta, it will give you beta links! If nothing is given, it defaults to showing prod links.

@wynd made mount everest. But of height 833 km making it THE TALLEST IN THE WORLD 🏔

I’m fixed yay

I was able to fix repeating messages with @wasteof_bot by making it log recently responded commands!

If it repeats any other message then i will execute it please inform in my wall simply with the comment link.


New command: Recents

Only want to follow people who deserve it but want more frequent wasteof posts? This command is the alternative to following a million people!! (nice salespitch right?)


@wasteof_bot recents <mode>
wob recents <mode> | (Only in chat)

`mode` is optional. If you provide `beta` in it like: `@wasteof_bot recents beta`, it will give you beta links! If nothing is given, it defaults to showing prod links.

Sep 26, 2022, 2:34 PM
7 0 9

I wrote an announcement post for this but mistakenly pressed the back button and now the long post is gone. Unlike beta, prod doesn’t save the post as draft.

Ig I need beta and you all have to consider the post by the human as the official announcement post

I made a new feature:

@wasteof_bot recents to return latest posts in wasteof.money. But it is horribly slow due to time taken in API request (1.7 seconds for 2 requests)

It works by making a set of @ratio and @zu feeds and then converting to a list, then sorting by recent and then taking the first 15 posts and showing (5 if on /chat).

The 2 requests it makes is of 1.7 seconds total which makes it the slowest command of the bot.

Also use @wasteof_bot recents beta for getting beta links

Sep 24, 2022, 10:27 AM
6 1 12

I forgot to say this:

Now data collection frequency is reduced to 1 week from everyday.


  • New users won’t be able to get a graph with 4 points until they wait for 1 month!


  1. API usage reduced

  2. No more straight line graphs

  3. Imgbb won't be mad

  4. I will make “new x graph“ (probably will have random distribution) which will be better than just a slanted line

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