
Teamwork for the win! You go first

@ee Progress on reading data from lists

The game is going pretty well. I fixed the bugs with detection (it would’ve been darker if it thought this was invalid):

Jul 15, 2022, 1:19 AM
1 0 0

Update: @shovelknight can now ask the Bard (Jake Kaufman) to give you a random song of his! Ask him to hand you a song and he’ll happily do so. (most of the songs are straight up epic so you should try one)

I'd also like to add that thanks to the way this game works, having more arrows does not necessarily mean your card is better, since it will become very difficult to move it back if your opponent moves it. Additionally, since your goal is to occupy gem spaces, which you cannot directly place a card on, it is very important that you're able to push a card. If a card has too many arrows, it'll be difficult to push it since you're not able to push a card that has equal or more arrow strength in the direction you're trying to push it in.

If any of you own a scratch account and want to be added to my remake, please let me know.

I indirectly asked @jeffalo what his Joustus card would look like and he responded first with up, and then all of the arrows once he realized it was for a game. strategy moment

I went to a grocery store today and in one of the aisles there was a little bin with Morbius in it.

If any of you own a scratch account and want to be added to my remake, please let me know.

I indirectly asked @jeffalo what his Joustus card would look like and he responded first with up, and then all of the arrows once he realized it was for a game. strategy moment

I indirectly asked @jeffalo what his Joustus card would look like and he responded first with up, and then all of the arrows once he realized it was for a game. strategy moment

Sorry, you can't use that email service. Please logon to spyware and create an email address in order to use our service.

don’t you just love it when you can’t use your email address with a web service because it only allows gmail

Arby's: we have the knights

@shovelknight shouldn’t fall asleep as much now! Thanks for sticking with him, but now he’s gonna stay online a lot (hopefully)

Progress on my latest Scratch game!

Yeah… it’s Joustus but with Scratchers.

Bugs so far:

  • You can’t push cards up or down Fixed!

  • You can push nothing downwards (???) Fixed!

  • You can push in any direction regardless of which arrows you have Fixed!

  • There’s layering issues when too many cards are on screen (flickering with arrows and pictures) Fixed!

  • You can’t actually push cards, although it knows when you should be able to push them (WIP) Fixed!

  • Abilites don’t show up

  • Chain pushing destroys cards

  • Jeffalo can’t push down or left Fixed!

Jul 14, 2022, 4:37 PM
8 0 16

This is ironic because Unity just made the worst decision they've ever made. If there's any Unity users out there right now, please uninstall Unity. For your own good. (Context: they just bought a company that distributes malware)

Edit: according to theglasspenguin and late, it was IronSource

literally my experience

"hey guys how do i use godot" - 😎 (me)
"go learn unity" - 🤓 (nerd)
Jul 14, 2022, 3:34 PM
3 1 7

Making the mother of all social medias here Jeffalo, can't fret over the DNS

wow guys twitter is down

you all should follow @datboidoritos