
pronouns: he/she/it/shit/they/onion/helicopter/gnome.

No you talk too much.

@jeffalo what does it take for a stupid idiot who does nothing but shitpost to get verified

@late is too late. how dare you be late to breathing practice.

@wynd guess what….. absolutely nothing because I can’t think of anything to post.

you madlad

Close enough isn’t close enough

close enough

how the fuck did you predict that

wasteof money gonna be the #1 social media when the cloudflare intern trips over the internet cable


he he he ha

i redacted how many messages i have because it was an unholy amount… anyways, guess where i just got a job at.

@zu wanna chat on /chat because I’m bored and I have nothing else to do with my life at the moment

@jeffalo there’s no banned warning on the beta.

hi the person who also participated in a repost chain and can say from experience jeffalo does not like them, I’m the one who is saying too bad,

hi “not” a dad, im the “person” who also “participated” on another repost “chain” and can say from “personal experience” that “jeffalo” does not “like” them

hi jeff, im not a dad

Hi wynd, im Jeoff

Hi board, I’m wynd 💀

I'm board

Jun 20, 2022, 5:22 PM
0 1 0

I wanna rename my framework to SHIT, for SHIT has infinite terribleness.

@micahlt you know more badges doesn’t necessarily mean better…. Right? https://github.com/micahlt

hi jeff, im not a dad

Hi wynd, im Jeoff

Hi board, I’m wynd 💀

I'm board

@micahlt oh wow this is unbelievable who could have forseen this