
My page looks better on beta -> https://beta.wasteof.money/users/doubledenial
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So I’m debugging code right now which works when I include a print instruction but throws an error when I don’t…

Now that it’s the next day, I think it’s time to admit that I’m only learning Python to compile webpages

“The only thing worse than being a loser is trying not to be a loser” - me, a JS dev, installing Python so that I can use programming for anything practical

“The only thing worse than being a loser is trying not to be a loser” - me, a JS dev, installing Python so that I can use programming for anything practical

Exciting news: I am working on designing my website. Again. Again. Again. Again. (repeat ad nauseam)

Anyway, it turns out it’s hard to design a website without anything worthwhile to write there, something I’m ashamed to admit has been my problem for so long. I think I know what I’m doing now, though

New Newgrounds song. It’s a little “experimental” I guess https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1091799

(By the way, this was the song I was asking for names for. Nobody answered so I just went with my gut)

Sorry I haven’t been as active lately, haven’t had as much to show. Posting on social media requires serious talent you guys!

Here’s another screenshot of a game. Let’s call this “Project 2”. It’s a puzzle platformer with a diverse tiling engine. As you can probably see, it’s still very much a work in progress. (Player sprite out of view because it’s not finished yet)

MS Paint Art: Magon. This guy is one of the repeatedly-reskinned baddies from Wario World, Wario’s first and only 3D platformer to date and one in which he brutally beats the crap out of everything in his path. It’s also really weird (thanks Treasure) and pretty short. I’ve never actually played it myself (will have to get on that some day) but I know that at least that much is true. Anyway, here’s a drawing I did of an enemy from this game a few weeks ago. He’s orange, he’s wall-eyed, but most importantly, he’s an enemy that no one cares about from a 3D GameCube platformer.

(Oh yeah, the background and white outline were added in GIMP. I guess the title is a little misleading)

What would be a good song name? Asking for a friend, who is actually an almost-finished song I’ve had lying around for a while

Here’s a screenshot of a game I’ve been programming. From here on out I will dub this game “Project 1” because it sounds cool and I don’t have a (good) name for it yet

Oh dear, I wasn’t expecting this site to actually seem good. Goodbye to whatever last part of me still wanted to use Twitter :O

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