
My page looks better on beta -> https://beta.wasteof.money/users/doubledenial

I just posted a new game to Newgrounds after five years, a tiny remake of my very first Flash game. Was it worth all the wait? No, but thankfully not many people were waiting anyway. https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/837657

Some days I wish I could just come home and find that a ghost has rearranged all my code.

I have a game I want to work on, but before working on it further I want to rewrite the engine. Which I’ve already done… three times…

Good news! I am now a verified wasteof.money user at the price of three rickrolls.

Today I learned: jeffalo can pull you into the chatroom at any moment. You can’t hide, and no one is safe.

Wait, the profile picture in the top right is already a square

Hey Jeffalo, now that you’re following me, can you use wasteof.money to bring square profile pictures back in style? Thanks

Hey Jeffalo, now that you’re following me, can you use wasteof.money to bring square profile pictures back in style? Thanks

accidentally slept for two months

Dear one guy who keeps liking all my posts and making it look like I like my own posts: Thanks but could you maybe chill out on the like button a little

Wait you can follow yourself???

The best part of writing digital music is when you think, “Oh god how much post-processing will it take to make this sound right” :)

Urgent alert: my code worked without debugging

Cubeupload went down briefly earlier. I’m not sure what’s weirder: The fact that some computer people thought “I bet it would work out if we did indefinite, uncompressed, (mostly) unlimited image hosting and funded it through occasional donations“, or the fact that it’s lasted 15 years

You know what they say, "new year, new me". Taking that into consideration, here's a redesign of Apple, the talking cyborg cat with absolutely NO relation to any similarly-named tech companies. He was my de facto mascot for a few years before I could actually draw half-decently (or do anything half-decently for that matter).

Higher quality version on Newgrounds: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/doubledenial/apple-is-error