
realest deal

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hi i’m flux (formerly lolz, IDC what you call me just call me either “lolz” or “flux”)

in my free time I…

  • program stupid shit

  • play minecraft

  • do stupid things in Roblox studio

more about me…

  • i’m a Muslim ☪

  • I like minecraft modding

  • high school

  • Arabic (Algerian) (I can only say/write basic stuff and make grammatical errors a LOT)

  • #freepalestine

  • I own like 6 domains at this point (this count WILL change)

Who else ever just goes to school and realizes that a vast majority of people don’t even want to learn? I wouldn’t blame them, last year, I had fun teachers and everyone in their class would actually learn, but now, the teachers aren’t so friendly and the urge to learn kinda just disappeared.

shoutout to whoever liked my posts just now

reading my old posts and then reading my more recent posts makes me realize that i’m somewhat more mature now

i was watching a split or steal clip just now, and i read the comments and it made me realize how soft the internet truly is.

“nooo he chose steal wow he’s so selfish”

you won’t get anywhere if you split your opportunities, chances and success with strangers.

guys i’m making a new operating system named ShitOS and you can’t do anything in it becuase i’m using osdev wiki and i have no fucking idea what i’m doing with my life at this point

i stole your identity

(jokes aside i’ve loved penguins from a young age, pingu was basically my father :P)

I noticed that lol, did he recently change it or has he always had that pfp?

i just watched someone emulate a 6502 in C++ and now i wanna do that

Sep 17, 2023, 6:15 PM
6 0 0

good morning

how does kanye keep fucking up his clothing?

ye and 24 shouldn’t look like a no-no sign

learning c

and assembly

and i installed qemu

( put them together ;d )

Sep 16, 2023, 3:22 AM
6 0 0

i probably shouldn’t have posted this… sorry if you’re sensitive to this topic and stuff.


Sep 16, 2023, 3:19 AM
2 1 1


Sep 16, 2023, 3:19 AM
2 1 1

scratch’s explore page is the exact reason i moved onto real programming

jeffalo finally got verified guys !!

i can finally play minecraft with rtx (i think)

the new iPhone has hardware-accelerated raytracing!