
realest deal

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hi i’m flux (formerly lolz, IDC what you call me just call me either “lolz” or “flux”)

in my free time I…

  • program stupid shit

  • play minecraft

  • do stupid things in Roblox studio

more about me…

  • i’m a Muslim ☪

  • I like minecraft modding

  • high school

  • Arabic (Algerian) (I can only say/write basic stuff and make grammatical errors a LOT)

  • #freepalestine

  • I own like 6 domains at this point (this count WILL change)

i completely forgot this website

no. thats too long and boring.

Read the tos kidz

Less of tomboy but more of 33/33/33 (tomboy-ish/softie/normie)

Not really… i’m not really a “SOFTY” i’m not into “KAWAII” things i’m sort of a tomboy

Nov 16, 2021, 2:02 AM
2 1 10

I never made a social media, and none of you are using it.

Answer Key: It literally doesn’t exist lol.

I made a social media 1 day before I got the idea!

It’s called: nothingness

Link: No link cuz its nothing

Difficulty level to make: Nothing to me

i made a social media and you’re using it right now.

i made a social media in -3 milililiseconds where if you post something, you die in real life

heh i made a social media in a few minutes where only the server owner can make posts 😎

once I made a social media in 2 days and it had both HTML and SQLite injection

Nov 14, 2021, 6:11 PM
8 3 5

I like birbs.

Actually, I have 2 birbs.

One Blue one Purple.

Both still need to be tamed.

Uh, yeah, that’s all really.

every video i make:

[Every video 5 yr old’s make]

SUS {Meme}

Hoy poopers i hop ya’ll lik mw vibs egjoy

O0o0o0o0oh toda we wil ba ploying sussy Big nose .

o0oh it mabe by BIG NOSEY.

Oh yoe suib to mh.

oow oww oooow AHHHHHH BIG NOSY CAm

CACA ok let mh escap no.

AhAHAAHHAh ok goody




SHE WAS NEVER SEEN……….. TBC SUib to bignosey :))))))))))))))))))))))))

IDEA THEIF!1!1!! /hj

SUS {Meme}

Hoy poopers i hop ya’ll lik mw vibs egjoy

O0o0o0o0oh toda we wil ba ploying sussy Big nose .

o0oh it mabe by BIG NOSEY.

Oh yoe suib to mh.

oow oww oooow AHHHHHH BIG NOSY CAm

CACA ok let mh escap no.

AhAHAAHHAh ok goody




SHE WAS NEVER SEEN……….. TBC SUib to bignosey :))))))))))))))))))))))))

Proud to introduce https://awesomepotato23.github.io/lolzos-online/lolzos.html

A new site to test LolzOS (instead of downloading it)

Very spicy ideas 😏

We are glad to introduce…


A brand new idea, the way this works we will also create high quality games and upload them for download! We also will provide a website to play all the games WITH a higher FPS! Meaning if your computer can’t render SB3 files perfectly you can head to our websites to play each game. If you want to find a specific game here is some keys to help you: 1. we use hyphens for spaces in the URL, 2. the URL is going to be like this - www.example.com/insert-game-name-here - it will be easy to find the games!

Look forward to our first game ;)

— The LolzOS Team

took a 3 day break, finally back.


(says the Chicken Nugget with 100 followers on Scratch)

me: exists

karens: wHo Do YoU tHiNk YoU aRe TO gEt vEriFIed

@jeffalo can I get laptops I mean verified? please? B)

Nov 4, 2021, 1:22 PM
3 1 0


im recreating wasteof on scratch for no reason

first repost of first post 😌

first post ever 😌

what's up cool social media

first post ever 😌

what's up cool social media