
i'm gilbert_given_189 on Scratch.

Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)

I’ll start with: “I found this website.“

I just typoed X-Nauts into X-NUts

Order(items=[<Item.Bun: 1>, Patty(cooked=0.9), <Item.Tomato: 3>, <Item.Lettuce: 2>])

Come on Python we want enums with arguments asfaisaisghasgdsagdk

EWOW 4 prompt is so hard

How did people make it easy

Alice: May I do something?

Bob, who is not responsible: No. (softly saying “this is satire”)

Alice: Yeah, as if that’s an appropriate way to be satire.

Be proud, but don’t be chauvinistic.

I’ve finally done it.

After some confusion on how Cloudflare Tunnels work, I can finally access my laptop anywhere that has Internet from my phone. I wouldn’t consider it having maximal security (I’m not using whatever Cloudflare Access is) but it’s secure enough for my purposes. And now I’m typing this message from my laptop from my phone.

Now that I have a tunnel open, what should I do with it?

gotta love when they put political statements in a “did you know” tip


Did YouTube just allow me to skip ads without waiting 5 seconds

Rust but with gen α slangs

rustalpha::rustalpha {
    // why?
Jun 4, 2024, 5:31 PM
3 0 1

Being famous on the Internet is what the kids want then (and now I guess)

What’s something that’s terrifying, but made cute

I feel like most of my edits are just grammar corrections

My weirdest idea for this kind of transfer is to have it transmitted through high-frequency soundwave, and there would be a PSK modulator on the sending side and a matching demodulator on the receiving side. Making one would probably be a project too complex to manage, especially since I don’t know how you would demodulate PSK in the first place

Then I realized JAB Codes exists so I use that now (though it would be better if I didn’t have to open a browser to make one)

I’ve yet to find something I can use to transfer text (and just text) from my phone to my laptop without the struggle (and memory) of making a file and moving it to my laptop

Bonus points if it’s all local and I don’t have to transfer it through “the cloud”

May 12, 2024, 1:28 PM
2 1 4
Jun 2, 2024, 10:40 AM
2 0 0

1 month early

I just lost 78 tabs on my Firefox Mobile