
error carried forward

hello world!

and we're back! sorry for the downtime, there was a spam attack and i took it down to add a captcha and stricter rate limits.

i think it should be known that google is still hosting this wacky version of their logo


first one to comment get follow??

should i release reposts? they look like this.

just bought a subway feeling good

posts are now ran through twemoji for emoji compatibility πŸŽ‰ πŸ˜€

just bought a subway feeling good

first one to comment on this post gets to be one of the first users with a banner!

can we please make this the most liked post on wasteof.money thanks

whats a feature that you want to see on wasteof.money?

hope you like it!

you can now like posts and they show up on the explore page!

please stop sharing wasteof on scratch

just added dark mode, hope you enjoy!

what are the chances that halloween would be on friday the 13th?? that would be really scary!!!