
Joined 14 years ago ........................................................................... My YouTube: Pacifiky. MERN Stack Web Developer, Video Editor, 3D artist, Bad Programmer. Professionally Immature

My YouTube is Pacifiky if anyone cares

I just accidentally walked over my computer

Making Mr Beast Text Rn

OMG GUYS WATCH THIS ITS SO COOL https://youtu.be/3eXwtHDze88

Just found a random file on my Computer that had every word in the dictionary

I think wasteofmoney is glitching, it just made me post 3 times

What is this

Unspeakable is Mrbeast now??

My school discord 1 

I just had to go through 10 things to get to my onedrive account

It was like

Are these info correct? Stay signed in? No more paswords?…

Like Bruh

Wonder how roblox got a bigger hole 😏

Just found a cinnamon toast crunch thing in my cereal shaped like a knife

My Roblox character with anime babe

Cool Render I Made

I made cool thumbnail