
Avid daydreamer, dragon friend, sartoriphile, and unsustainable entity

[disclaimer not in use]

Regular Online Times

  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

  • 6:30am-9:00pm, tentative

All times are in Eastern Time.

Find Me At . . .

Reach Me At . . .

  • Scratch: My profile comments

  • Text Based Games Forums: https://tbgforums.com/forums/index.php?topic=6648.0 (please @ mention me if you want to talk to me)

  • Libera IRC: DMs over MemoServ are preferred, but you may also talk to me in #MineralFish during my stated regular online times (please state your wasteof.money username when you join)

Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17


At 2:20pm ET (1:20pm CT, 12:20pm MT, 11:20am WT), the National Emergency Alert System will issue a test alert. When this happens, every device in the United States turned on & with a cellular connection will sound an emergency alert, even if the device has government alert notifications turned off. This is a special level of alert reserved for nuclear war & extreme natural disasters. Devices will sound, radio will be jammed, and other physical infrastructure set up to get these alerts out will activate. Please brace yourself!

With that out of the way, here’s the dream log for today!

❔🟥 *****'s out sick . . .
❔🟨 Technical iCloud difficulties
❔🟨 Headphones replaced
⭐️🟨 Creeper in my room
❔🟨 Dream log in a dream?
⭐️🟩 Some sort of MCL mod
⭐️🟩 Knowledge Spawner ("Spawner Spawner")
⭐️🟩 NAR roundup-style plug with Mickey Mouse visuals

(additional details available on request)

Somebody needs to use network-central internet usage blocking for good and install an adblocker on the router itselt.

⭐️🟥 Changes in the closet
⭐️🟨 Flying to Zora's Domain
❔🟨 Yona's balloons

(details available on request)

Someone On The Internet: “The [Topic] thing has been covered a lot.“


My First Brain Cell: “It’s 4:27, and we can’t go on-“


First Brain Cell: *sigh*

⭐️⬛️ Photographing Farosh

(details avaliable on request)

To make this account more active, I’ll try to make a habit of sharing dreams as I log them. Here’s a portion of my dream log’s scrollback:

🖋️🟥 Rainbow Chuchu beacon
❔🟥 ARG-ish video
❔🟥 Scales & endura carrot
❔🟨 Flowers

❔🟥 Sidon's secret message
❔🟥 A variant of P.G.

❔🟥 MCD
🖋️🟥 Walking on all fours

🖋️🟨 Bad electricity

❔🟥 A drawbridge-sized excalator with lights
❔🟥 Paragliding in an indoor space
⭐️🟨 Lynel in a shrine

⭐️🟨 Water dragon

❔⬛️ Bridge blockade
❔🟨 Wooden Diamond Fish's fin falling off

❔⬛️ A new subsidiary of the Royal Mifernian Bank
❔⬛️ "And the pencil sharpener . . ."

Dreams too many and scattered to document

🖋️🟥 Water Dragon returns!
❔🟥 . . . named after a word that requires a dictionary to understand

Feel free to ask for details on any dreams I share.

Social experiment: be in wasteof.money/chat tomorrow at 10am Eastern USA Time. I’m planning a community activity and want a good number of participants.

Sep 16, 2023, 8:24 PM
10 2 5

I was going to make a new mineral fish inspired something my dad said about a needlefish that we saw while visiting the local inlet, but I’d need to open my TLoZ:TotK file to get reference images, and I’m too lazy to go through the process of booting it up, getting the screenshot & doing the two-point file transfer, just for a reference image . . .

When someone IRL asks me a question that I don’t feel like answering, I like to just say “hmm“, then say nothing else.

Landon’s Recap of Today’s Apple Event

  • Apple is getting to its 2030 carbon neutrality deadline faster than me casually playing The Legend of the Llama.

  • Next-generation Apple Watch (now with fake leather in the watch band)

  • Next-generation Apple Watch Ultra (no updates on diving features, which makes sense because the diving features are managed by a different company ☹️)

  • Next-generation iPhone (humorous comment not available)

  • Next-generation iPhone Pro (made of titanium but not advertised as bulletproof, do not test for bulletproofness)

A Story of Marzinory: Episode 2

Me and my friend, Marziana, are exploring an abandoned structure. The press has reported sightings of an unusual creature around this structure. We didn’t find it upon inspecting the surface level of the structure, so we have no choice but to find a way into the interior levels.

Marziana finds a hole in a room’s floor that leads into deeper levels. We go in.

Half an hour later, our search remains fruitless. We’re about to move onto the next floor when Marziana poses an idea.

Marziana: “Let’s split up. You search the next floor, I’ll search the floor below that. If that creature spots you, just scream and make for the hole that we came in through.“

Me: “Alright.“

While I’m checking out a side room, I feel like I can hear footsteps. I close the door, remain dead silent & look through the gap. I see nothing.

A few minutes later, I hear Marziana shout from downstairs.

Marziana: “[My Name]! Come down here!“

I don’t respond. I could’ve sworn I heard the creature’s footsteps. The timing, the timing . . .

A few minutes later, I slowly open the door. I shout back:

Me: “Coming!“

I go downstairs. Logically, Marziana would be waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. But she isn’t there. The next logical answer is that she made a discovery & is waiting for me there. I’m not going to risk getting heard by the creature, so I don’t shout again. Instead, I start searching this floor for her . . .

Testing if all stories sound good in TCINAR-style:

At this point, I’ve been hiding for a few minutes. I notice a light sniffing sound that seems to be getting louder. It sounds like it’s coming closer to my hiding spot, until it stops.

??? #1: “Listen, I . . .”

A different voice cuts in.

??? #2: “Kulfi? Don’t you remember that-“

Kulfi?: “Oh, right. Sorry. Anyways, they’re here.“

??? #2: “I know. Thanks for the report. Hopefully the box doesn’t have any splinters inside.“

Kulfi?: “I’m more worried about what happened earlier. Do you think they’ll forgive me for-“

??? #2: “They’ll be fine! Chaimakia can fix just about anything!“

The box is lifted and starts moving. Whoever is moving the box is walking with a surprisingly human gait, which was the last thing I expected.

A few minutes later, the box is put down. I hear another voice:

??? #3: “Thanks.“

??? #2: “Let’s go into your room to discuss this. You probably don’t want them to hear us talking.“

[??? #3] doesn’t immediately respond.

??? #3: “Sure.“

I hear a door opening and closing. A minute later, I can hear them start talking. I can’t make out the words, though.

I try the box’s lid. The box, thankfully, hasn’t been secured since I hid in it, and the lid gives easily. I sneak out of the box and start eavesdropping.

??? #2: “Do you plan on telling them who you are?“

??? #3: *chuckle* “Of course I will! If she prompts me for my name, I’ll tell her ‘You can call me Chaimakia‘, and-“

I’m considering making an alt so I can post about the thing I like to talk about the most without forcing one of my friends to unfollow me on account of spoilers.

If I end up doing so, I already know what I’m naming it.

I have a phone now, so I can connect to wasteof & Libera whenever I want. I won’t be too active on here, so prioritize contacting me on Scratch & on the TBGs.