
nerd + beta tester + diminishposting + transgender (she/it, no they/them) + blåhaj enthusiast + chronical fed hater + therian θΔ + gnustep enjoyer + plural system + owl house brainrot haver

📌 pinned post time~! :3

hiiii! my name is lily, i'm a trans girl (paragirl therian enby thing?), i enjoy playing these games:

  • geometry dash

  • celeste

  • counter strike

  • half-life

  • garry's mod

i can also programme in these languages:

  • rust

  • c

  • java

  • typescript

  • scr*tch (censored cause cringe)

  • some more probably

more facts about me

  • i am pan

  • i like blåhaj

  • i like estrogen

  • i enjoy making me being trans my entire personality to pwn the transphobes

  • if i'm not doing that i'm probably exploiting some rare device from the early 00s

  • i have youtube

  • you can find a non exhaustive list of my shit along with some more information at https://tauon.dev

Jan 7, 2023, 10:28 PM
13 1 51

my phone just unjailbroke randomly again :@

brb gonna brutally murder .NET4.0EventBroadcastWindow and MicrosoftUserExperienceVirtualisation

when the rickroll

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna give you up

oh my god guys it’s Tuesday the 22nd of 2 2022 the numbers are b


please stop posting entire paragraph essays on wasteof.money drama (and please stop upvoting them onto trending)

hitscan > ballistics

raycast > prefab bullet

I finally understand what people mean when they say “learning Japanese from anime”

like of course you can’t learn the entire language (which is what people make it seem like) but you pick up words

guys I installed a cool tweak where the cursor (flashing line when typing) slides instead of teleports

guys should I get repl.it

people on wasteof creating drama be like

(0.0) - - (0.0)

me not caring be like


kek i just got banned from Reddit

ha Ha HA


wheatley craB

huehue wat do run program buton do xd

haha imagine if I compile wine for the web and then chromies could run windows apps in wine virtual desktop in chrome



The score I get on my tests that I think are good: 100%

The score my mom expects me to get: 101%