
18, youtuber, dumb

Hey Everyone!

I'm McVincient , & I make content about Scratch.

Other useless information- I'm 18, and really dumb.

Link - https://youtube.com/@McVincient

(As a big youtuber once said, Why follow your dreams, when you can follow me?)

Feb 15, 2023, 9:03 AM
5 0 2

I will be going to college soon, and I hope that they will allow vlogging lmao

How did you come to know about Wasteof?

Am I the only YouTuber on this entire website?

Why does “W” start with a “D”?

I literally came back after so long and I still got 0 messages 💀

y’all have stuff blocked on school computers 😂

We never had anything blocked at all cuz the students don’t know how to even turn on a computer anyway (only 5 students in a classroom are interested in knowing that in our schools, others just don’t care!)

all we had to do was follow the damn train cj

1+1 is actually 4 cuz it’s pig

my latest video flopped :(

gotta have my room soon

every room at youtube hq is named after a youtuber.

If TikTok is modern world, I’m a resident of the North Sentinel Island.

give me a reason to post here

Guys please follow me I have 13 followers it's getting scary even though it isn't really idk why I'm worried n stuff lmaoo nah what noo no AAAAAHHH!!!