Bruh stop saying I’m as bad as prime? How? I knew the joke, I didn’t know he was gonna do it, it was funny I thought, and also the thing with commenting with dood at the same time was from me purposefully seeing doods comment on scratch.


they’re outside of the circle


sorry, what did you say? i can’t hear you very well

insert sign language because idk sign language

and it goes down again

this is taking a really long time

did the server just go down or is it just me

yeah, down for me too (also for twenty minutes already? whoa)

Are you a bear or are you not :/

I am either a bear or not a bear.

hello ;-)

Are you getting my meower DMs?

Hm, that's weird, I should've seen them… but now I did

got discord yet? if i am getting your description right it does do that if you know what you’re doing

Interesting, I’ve only ever encountered it slightly messing up some styling.

did meower just get hit offline again?

can’t login and i keep getting token errors on roarer

nvm that was temp lol

right as i ask i login

did meower just get hit offline or is it just me

not just you


also I almost rm rf’d by being stupid and wanting to wipe the SA Instance I had

how do you even do that

No idea myself lmao

Hi, just wondering, how did basilikos contact you offsite?

They DMd me on Meower.

um guys is that freddy fazbear? har har har har har

Do you want to do anything lol

I have no clue what you want to do in the game lol

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