I just realized ðat ðe bottom black blob coulld eiðer be a mouþ or a nose
huh I always þought it was a nose (ðis assumption seems more bear-like)
Yeah, I know - but I tried doing it with a nose, and it looked really weird.
Would you like to see a wasteof application? that could work on MacOS and Linux? Would you use it? Just trying to get some stats on this.
I added your ViewReposts addon (the original PR was auto-closed) to the Ultra Update PR for @wasteofplus: https://github.com/wasteofplus/wasteof.plus/pull/172
I wanted to let you know in case there was any reason why you did not want these contributions merged. Thanks,
Oh, I forgot about that! Sorry, I deleted my fork. It looks like there were still some bugs in there, specifically about incompatibility within addons. These should probably be fixed before merging.
i'm doing a wasteof survey for the trolley problem. Would you like to participate? It would be great if you can since I want the results to be as broad and as accurate as possible. thank you
Stealing ideas from imadeanaccount I see :P But sure, that sounds interesting
we are working on this together - and thanks! Thanks! Here is the link: https://neal.fun/absurd-trolley-problems/ please could you tell me how many kills you got? thanks
i asked this question on Discord but will ask it here too bc i know you don't have Discord and i want these results to be balanced and a representation of all wasteofers:
have you ever done a political compass test? i'm making a wasteof compass with a bunch of different wasteof users. (it's less controversial bc your score doesn't focus on any particular issues but is just an overall) but i think it's kind of interesting to see
https://www.politicalcompass.org/ btw
i can keep your dot unlabeled (anonymous) on the final graph or label it if you want.
Thanks! I haven’t, but now I did:
Economic Left/Right: -6.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.59
I posted the conclusion to the political compass project on wasteof! Thanks so much for participating!
Have you see wasteof.plus PR #135 yet? https://github.com/wasteofplus/wasteof.plus/pull/135
I don’t use multiple accounts, but that seems very promising. Should really be in vanilla wasteof lol
btw, the GitHub repo for wasteof.plus has been transfered to the organization @wasteofplus!
also, all discussions have been transferred to top-level organization discussions: https://github.com/orgs/wasteofplus/discussions
I’m struggling to add the $nuxt.$router.afterEach
function to the browser extension to detect route changes and run the function in the content script, as it appears it is only possible to access properties of $nuxt from an injected script, which would require messaging between the content and injected scripts. I couldn’t tell from your issue if you were working on it yet, so I didn’t want to invest too much time in case you were
I’m trying, but with me not knowing much about extensions and the code being pretty weird at parts, it’s not that easy
Hey mate would you like an invite to the forum server on discord?