
guess what

the early bird doesn’t catch the worm because it’s actually 4 pm

i dropped my controller 👟👟👟👟👟 i dropped my controller 👟👟👟👟 i dropped my controller 👟👟👟👟👟👟👟

don’t you hate it when a helicopter drops a mango and the mango cracks open to reveal an ad for a skin care product

what a nice tree

i love tree

tree jumpscare


3 days ago
1 0 2

“coke or pepsi“ i dont care they taste the exact same


yoooo i found a genie and got unlimited bacon

yoooo i found a genie and got unlimited bacon

these 2 posts match up perfectly

i made some pancakes and they are very good 👍

this cat just j 😹😹

todays saturday!!!! yippee yay yeoshoifljdkhbsijowefchiojdhzsjiedcuefwoijdkjehoru

it’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free: slapping your knee for no reason

“aluminium or aluminum”

neither. let’s just get rid of ALL the i’s. alumnum