
Either a bear or not a bear

The name “temporary attachment” was created by translating Scratch Addons from English to Chinese and back to English, and now that creates “de novo plugin” which I find way too funny for some reason

Annoyingly, this is valid Typescript

interface Foo {bar: baz}[];

Why does literally everybody play TOTK etc here

Ads for soft drinks are really just ads for life with the soft drink just randomly mentioned at the end

Bees got into my house somehow

Science is blue

History is yellow

Ela (I’m using German here as I am from Germany and that’s what it’s called so yeah) is red

Math is dark blue

Science is yellow

History is green

Ela is blue

Math is red

It feels like Microsoft Family Protection is getting worse and worse… still hope Microsoft’s going to unblock jeffalo.net sometime

Happy Pride Month!!

WhatsApp’s cookie banner… in the first prompt you have the option to “Accept” or to “Manage Cookies“, and clicking on “Manage Cookies” gives you this… thing

Jun 1, 2023, 9:34 AM
2 0 0

Appearently the number in the inner array is for type annotation which is actually quite helpful

project.json: the format of many numbers

"inputs": { "MESSAGE": [1, [10, "Hello!"]], "SECS": [1, [4, "2"]] }

Seriously what is the point of all of these, this is very annoying

I am going to do some unsuspicious spammage.



May 31, 2023, 11:43 PM
2 0 3

project.json: the format of many numbers

"inputs": { "MESSAGE": [1, [10, "Hello!"]], "SECS": [1, [4, "2"]] }

Seriously what is the point of all of these, this is very annoying

Sometimes you have ATers building usable operating systems, and sometimes you have people arguing over whether you need to have an app to run it

I am getting way too many YouTube ads about studying at some German (I’m German, so that part makes sense) universities… I don’t know why YouTube thinks I’d be remotely interested in that