
Either a bear or not a bear

Sounds awesome!

Introducing: wasteof.live

The new wasteof.money podcast with other members in the community!

Website: https://wasteof.live

Discord: https://discord.gg/TkzQGcttum

Apr 22, 2024, 12:30 AM
44 26 32

Aaaah, wasteof…

…Because humans can.

A cat cannot see directly under its nose.

Well that lived for a whole 21 hours-ish

I have a question regarding this userscript.

How does delaying every link click block trackers?

is the increment of the teeth’s size at all proportional to the said number?

if so, what happens if i say “4i+5”?

what if your teeth got like really big and everytime you said a number over 3 it got like a little bit bigger each time

i am now forever traumatized

let me try it

if you stare at a wall for over 3 seconds you start hearing it whisper scary things

let me try it

if you stare at a wall for over 3 seconds you start hearing it whisper scary things

“It” can have three meanings here and none of them make sense

what if the sun just started yelling at your dog whenever it gets too hot - i mean it could happen right???

@asfsdgdfd (@imadeanaccount) just republicized some repos relating to wasteof, including @wasteofplus 🤔

Apr 2, 2024, 7:19 PM
6 0 3

Ooh, Twitter, that’s a nice name!

Almost beats the ingenuity of 𝕏.

well, then you’ll just get xiaomi’s app update notes

We increased stability to improve user experience

  1. Fixed known bugs

  2. Improved overall performance.

developers shouldn't be allowed to put no notes for app updates, like "No information from the developer" is useless. you already won i installed your app at least have the courtesy to tell me what you're changing lol

C++ should be called ++C

The idea is that it’s been improved and then you’re using it, not that you’re using it and then afterwards it gets improved

Well that is certainly a rare sight on Meower