
Either a bear or not a bear

They look like this


Jun 18, 2023, 7:30 AM
3 1 5

well that worked particularly well

wow, that is very surprising(i don’t know how to make it ignore so i’ll just try every formatting option) - suggested by @mybearworld


wasteof discrims rolling out this week, all usernames will have 4 random numbers after them by friday!

Jun 14, 2023, 5:10 PM
14 2 7

Happy wasteof Day! 🥳

(i think i’m late)

You are describing the Gnathanodon speciosus, correct?

Black and yellow.

The new YouTube “feature” where cards are moved to the bottom of the description and when you click on the i you are moved to the bottom of the description is incredibly annoying

Committee is a very weird spelling

The name “temporary attachment” was created by translating Scratch Addons from English to Chinese and back to English, and now that creates “de novo plugin” which I find way too funny for some reason

Annoyingly, this is valid Typescript

interface Foo {bar: baz}[];

Why does literally everybody play TOTK etc here

Ads for soft drinks are really just ads for life with the soft drink just randomly mentioned at the end

Bees got into my house somehow