
Either a bear or not a bear

So many? 😲🤯

fourteen (including 3is one)

How much reposts are in here

is there a way to find out what the most reposted post is?

I take that back

Probably my best first discovery so far (apart from the Jurassic Corn saga)

Feb 18, 2024, 10:04 AM
9 1 1

Probably my best first discovery so far (apart from the Jurassic Corn saga)

Feb 18, 2024, 10:04 AM
9 1 1

bluetooth on windows is so unbelievably terrible

The state of Google Gemini Geminium

Feb 16, 2024, 6:55 PM
7 0 10

por favor no

Estoy en tu puerta trasera

what in the whating WHAT


Feb 12, 2024, 10:34 PM
9 4 2

Canis in tabernam it et dicit: “Non videre possum - igitur hunc aperiam.”

a dog walks into a tavern and says „I can’t see a thing, well I guess I’ll open this one“

should i make a blaze account

You can have two pages at once on alpha.wasteof.money :P

  1. Go to a user page

  2. Press View Reposts on a post that has reposts on that user page

  3. Done - try scrolling down

  4. You can also click non-external links on the second page

…Really, @blaze?

Hmm, maybe, just maybe, if you don’t have control over what data Wix provides to you or sells to other people, it isn’t better for you. This is something very much worth worrying about, even if you don’t worry about it personally.

Do you actually not collect this information anymore, or are you just pretending that Wix isn't selling the user data anymore?

I have a suspicion that I know what the answer is

Hello Blazers,

We have changed our privacy policy to collect less information about you, especially the info that you optionally can give.

To learn more, visit https://blazeapp.net/privacy-policy

Thank you for your time.



…That was a picture of chicken soup