I noticed that in bundle, I cannot do math operations using variables because it just outputs NaN:
for example:
var test = 10
add ${test}, 50
write ${res}
here is what i see in the console
im not sure if this is an error
test = 1 run.js:32
${test} run.js:32
e ${test} run.js:32
btw the bundle script is
var test = 1
sub ${test}, 1
write ${test}
https://beta.bundle.eu.org/legal/terms (age restriction)
These terms are not in effect right now, but they will be as soon as prod is released.
I have verified you, but you will most likely be banned when production is released
If you have read the link I attached, it reads that users under 13 may not use the site.
Can you please lower the age restriction to 12+ so I can use it pls pls pls
another question about bundle how did you make a wait() command if you ever did
I didn't but i can just make the entire function async, and then make a promise that gets resolved in x amount of time
just confused at how to run the code (ie seperate each line and its contents)
let t = `write yo
writeln x`;
function run(code) {
let a = code.split("\n");
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
let command = a[i];
I Am writing this in a sketchy way from my tablet even though I don't have a browser :P