dm20's avatar



I got perma banned from scratch.

EDIT: It’s official, I’m not coming back on DM20 account

Aug 8, 2022, 7:10 PM
6 1 5

Why does the same person who keeps reposting me and trying to get me “canceled” like this is Twitter or something follow me? 😂

Straight pride White pride

Because I dislike uwu catgirls

why does dm20 get so annoyed when i type in an uwu catgirl way

Someone should describe to me in detail about all this @oren drama and how I can get involved. Where’s the flame wars at?

owo pls follow and read this perswon and help cancel this bad bad user >.<

we out here cancelling this fakr for being a poo poo jobby head

I got online to 10 wasteof posts jesus

no lies were told

Types of wasteof posts:

  • Memes

  • Random development updates

  • Hot takes on tech companies

  • Kanye did something

  • Obscure inside jokes

  • Advertisements

  • Random facts

  • Posting about not being able to

  • Asking about wasteof development

January is officially straight white male appreciation month!

I’m still alive

What is wrong with whoever wrote this. Please see a therapist if this is truly what you believe. You are in denial.

firefox > google chrome

I have 7 pages of random words

I don’t know how long I can hold this up.

may the challenge begin