
some cool phrase

hit them with quaternion bricks

Hit them with REAL bricks

reminder to not hit the annoying things in your brain with imaginary bricks, no matter how mad you are at them, because that tends to just give them more attention and make them worse

Nighty morning

What are your thoughts on time? I’m using this question as a stand-in for an infinite amount of questions, which is why I’m going for vagueness here, so you can choose what you find most important about time. But its vagueness might leave you confused on how to start, and if it does, here’s some ones that I particularly want to hear about:

  • Do you feel like you have enough of it?

  • Do you feel like you had enough of it in the past?

  • Do you think you’ve been using it well?

  • Do you think you used it better in the past?

  • What, to you, does “using time well” even look like?

  • Do you think time is generally on your side, against you, or neutral?

  • Do you think time has switched sides in any specific circumstance?

  • When do you consciously think about time?

  • When you think about time (if you do), what specifically is it that you think about?

  • Do you find yourself liking time, hating it, or being indifferent about it?

That’s just what I think I would find the most interesting, if you can think of anything else about time you’d like to say (experiences, advice, etc.), feel free to say it, I’ll still probably find it at least a little interesting.

What are your thoughts on time? I’m using this question as a stand-in for an infinite amount of questions, which is why I’m going for vagueness here, so you can choose what you find most important about time. But its vagueness might leave you confused on how to start, and if it does, here’s some ones that I particularly want to hear about:

  • Do you feel like you have enough of it?

  • Do you feel like you had enough of it in the past?

  • Do you think you’ve been using it well?

  • Do you think you used it better in the past?

  • What, to you, does “using time well” even look like?

  • Do you think time is generally on your side, against you, or neutral?

  • Do you think time has switched sides in any specific circumstance?

  • When do you consciously think about time?

  • When you think about time (if you do), what specifically is it that you think about?

  • Do you find yourself liking time, hating it, or being indifferent about it?

That’s just what I think I would find the most interesting, if you can think of anything else about time you’d like to say (experiences, advice, etc.), feel free to say it, I’ll still probably find it at least a little interesting.

i did it i solved the arg when he says go we need to be ready to throw

Mar 23, 2024, 11:36 AM
6 0 1



Jonathon DeLonge did not invent the beach ball, W. J. Voit did

(Or at least he formed the corporation that invented it)

Mar 23, 2024, 8:13 AM
4 1 1

Guess where this quote came from:

One dictionary definition of color is, "Any hue or tint as distinguished from white." But I have always been convinced that it means, psychologically, much more than that. We speak of color in music and in art, we speak of a colorful personality, we say that life can be colored with beauty. To humanity, black has been almost universally the symbol of woe, and it is not without significance that the Puritans wore grey.

oh you’ve got to be kidding me the “:( wasteof bad now :(” is back this has to be a joke

don’t worry the inventor of nighty morning is on an at least 3 month streak of forgetting, along with the entire rest of the batch

i’m the only one left

i keep forgetting nighty morning exists :(

Mar 22, 2024, 9:41 AM
6 1 1

i’m actually serious about this i’m going to call a controversy a kerfuffle if i deem it stupid enough

you know what next time there’s a controversy on wasteof let’s try calling it a “kerfuffle” if it’s stupid enough that feels like it will help

Mar 21, 2024, 7:02 AM
15 2 0

There was a bit of a scuffle (not big enough for a kerfuffle) a while ago about this, but it was resolved in a jiffy. I forgot exactly how it resolved, though.

(where do I find more phrases like these)

Is liking your posts allowed? In the sense that the community allows it (like how trigger warnings aren’t allowed 🙃)

Mar 21, 2024, 11:52 PM
5 0 0

remember kids: don’t kerfuffle, there’s not much time for dilly-dallying

unfortunately the bees have gone from raw to medium rare due to global warming

you know what next time there’s a controversy on wasteof let’s try calling it a “kerfuffle” if it’s stupid enough that feels like it will help

Mar 21, 2024, 7:02 AM
15 2 0

This is your chance to find a cool word you don’t already use and start using it. Who knows, others might start using it too!