
the dumbest man alive on their way to the 4542th name change

just realized Yoshikage Kira’s name is literally wordplay for “Shadow Killer” or “Peaceful Killer” or however the frick you’d properly interpret it

(the kanji in “Kira” (キラ) is actually one letter off from “Killer” (キラー), and “Yoshikage” (吉景) stands for “Peaceful”, “Justice”, “Righteousness” or “Morality”, if you were to split it up, “Yoshi” (ヨシ) means “Good luck”, “good”, “virtuous”, “respectable”, while “Kage” means “Shadow” (影) or “Other side”. AKA “Kira” is the only entirely correct thing in his name, whilst the other half of his name is only partially correct, since he lacks righteousness or morale, virtuouality and respectability, atleast if you know his “other side”.)


Jun 21, 2024, 9:57 PM
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I am declaring myself a coffee addict

I went to make hot chocolate milk for no reason

Almost made coffee instead on accident

drank coffee

forgot it was right next to me

went to get something

hit my coffee on accident & spilled it

now theres caffeine on my desk and sweater

and caffeine in my veins

i tried to rhyme and failed worse than my brain

goodbye bomberman, everyone say hi to

woke up badly and demotivated

got greeted by an old friend all the sudden that I thought would never come back

Guess that atleast makes me realize that even if the day starts bad, it’s not all gonna be bad.

EDIT: And the fact that I feel relieved since I honestly was worried about them (even if I knew it’s probably just them on break)

Jan 28, 2024, 11:19 AM
3 0 1

God I hate these types of triple reposts

God I hate these type of reposts

God I hate these types of posts

God I hate these types of comments

my god I’m so stupid

I almost rm -rf ‘d C:\

So this is where that came from…

finally installed git and i regret not doing it earlier because wow this is faster than installing ScratchAddons’ zipball

help i was forced

making my nonexistant sleep schedule exist less by posting this at 23:30

context: i namesniped dango on meower and go by the username and now i’m gonna joke about the fact this exists since i genuinely just wanted to namesnipe ‘cause of Turbowarp’s existance lmaoo

the sad thing is that my leg (specifically the left one, which took the hit) hurts when i try walking with it ‘cause of this

god I’m gonna have a really bad week lol

good god i am so stupid

so theres a few bench-like things and i just kept jumping and climbing through them just since we had to wait awhile and I had nothing to do really

then slipped and almost hit my foot, thankfully it was just above though

besides needing bandaid and etc (which was already done) nothing else went wrong lol even though its basically somewhat of a hole and I got scared like if a batch of spiders suddenly fell right infront of me since it looked like that was at bone level (thankfully it ended up not being bone level though but that scared the heck outta me)

moral of the story? don’t do stupid stuff like that

good god i am so stupid

so theres a few bench-like things and i just kept jumping and climbing through them just since we had to wait awhile and I had nothing to do really

then slipped and almost hit my foot, thankfully it was just above though

besides needing bandaid and etc (which was already done) nothing else went wrong lol even though its basically somewhat of a hole and I got scared like if a batch of spiders suddenly fell right infront of me since it looked like that was at bone level (thankfully it ended up not being bone level though but that scared the heck outta me)

moral of the story? don’t do stupid stuff like that

i love how just mere seconds after I get an idea for once and motivation

i get stuck at getting a sprite because I’m just lazy and its basically night time (im writing this at 20:26 again even…)

me waking up

me trying to sleep