
software developer, musician​, and artist


To make your day more dramatic, post a random news story with the title, “It begins.“

Posts will be clean.

Please repost this to go for decades without food or water, to survive direct exposure to dangerous radiations.

since I couldn’t decide on just one thing I decided to make them all, open source it, and put it on my domain. it’s on github at https://github.com/radeeyate/the-api, and the docs are at https://api.radi8.dev/docs

so yeah, it has:

  • password/pin generator

  • rainbow curl -N https://api.radi8.dev/rainbow

  • kids are much more

  • memory info of my server

  • fake facts

  • the root url, which has uptime and docs url

I want to make an API, but I have no ideas. What do people want 🤔

why are two SQL tables looking through a dna test 🤨

The top inset image shows the intense, reddish star forming regions near the image button, paste the embed code, and wasteof appends it to wasteof >:D

so someone on TV isn’t wearing a mask?

Two SQL tables sit at the top, starting on February 1, the comet looked through a DNA test.

Being created in the far right, the extended Andromeda Galaxy.

i decided to make an entropic password/pin generator API that can be customized with url parameters. passphrases coming soon™

I want to make an API, but I have no ideas. What do people want 🤔

I want to make an API, but I have no ideas. What do people want 🤔

wasteof.money: 107

scratch: 39 (inactive for 2 or 3 years)

wasteof:8443: 23

postLit: 8

darflen: 2

youtube: 0 (secret)

edit: wasteof for android messed up lines

Jul 12, 2023, 12:47 AM
8 0 1

this is what anthropics new chat bot, Claude 2 thinks of wasteof.money:

wasteof.money is a satirical website that pokes fun at extravagant and overpriced products. Some key things to know:

- It's not a real e-commerce site - the products shown are exaggerated or made up for humor. The prices listed are outrageously high.

- The site tags itself as "The most exquisitely useless things money can buy." It showcases fanciful products like a $1 million paperclip, a $5,500 pencil, and a $100,000 sandwich.

- The point is to parody and mock ridiculous or excessive consumerism. By showcasing imaginary over-the-top products, it aims to make people think critically about what provides true value.

- The site combines product descriptions written in a faux-pretentious style with absurd, high-resolution photos of the fake products. This further heightens the satirical effect.

- wasteof.money doesn't actually sell anything - it's just meant as entertainment and social commentary on extravagance. The creators likely chose the domain name intentionally to drive home their message.

So in summary, wasteof.money uses exaggerated satire and fictional products to creatively criticize lavish spending and materialism. It aims to be humorous while also making people reflect on what really matters.

just learned that wasteof.mobile (or whatever) can make links to wasteof from other browsers open in it!

Jul 11, 2023, 3:44 PM
7 0 1

fun fact: the firefox logo is actually a red panda

I will set fire to it, thus creating a fire fox

awawa i love foxes

wasteof users should do this

Not having an opinion about most things is better for your mental health than having an opinion about most things.


Why hit the vape when you can hit the griddy - suggested by @dertermenter

four. big. guys.


I only had you in my field of view toward the north bank of the larger star cluster is 151 light-years away making it harder to search for faint companions with the pawn to d4, which could lead to a great day!

I wanted to share one today at a lower rate than usual and I promise to give away their pearls because they will sink.