
i write code and build electronics badly

yay funny about me post for adhd man

My name is Nolan


Me am like to code (https://github.com/3xiondev/)

Electronics hobbyist

Arteest (deviantart.com/3xionDeviant/)

Graffic design or whatever it’s called

Men and women are both as attractive as each other, at least to me

For any questions, comments or concerns, please send an email to [email protected]. No, I’m not joking, this is my real email.

Website: https://3xiondev.vercel.app/ (i’m broke okay i can’t afford 3xion.dev)

Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/3xiondev/ (Moved from https://scratch.mit.edu/users/---Necro---/)

Atheist but I won’t push it in your face if you don’t push religion in mine

Aug 31, 2023, 4:16 AM
0 0 4

so i got pulled into the rabbit hole of making edits


yall have been a wonderful community to me for the last ten months. laptops are being collected tomorrow. i’ll likely not post for the entire summer. thanks for letting me waste so much money. see you guys in three months =)

exactly. apple and android both have their respective upsides and downsides. android has some stuff apple doesn't have, and vice versa. personally, I dislike apple-written operating systems (namely iOS, iPadOS, and WatchOS) more than others because they’re not open-source, and they don’t support loading apps from files. macOS does support .dmg installation along with app store installation, but still, I prefer Linux or other Unix-kernel based operating systems. this all to say that I don’t dislike apple, in fact I own several apple products. there are just some issues I have with them.

Maybe we should consider that possibly… this is just a wild guess… but there may be a slim sliver of a chance that iPhones are better than Androids in some ways. And Androids are better than iPhones in some ways. And Apple makes features that Androids don’t have. I’m really tired of the crazy arguments we always have, not just online but in person. Every argument about Apple versus Android always devolves into the Android guy screaming the top 5 things about Android and the worst 5 things about Apple, and the Apple guy doing the same but reversed.

The fact is… without competition, either platform would be garbage. They each need the other one (and the people saying the other one is better!) to get better themselves. So I’m going to stop saying one is better than the other. I like iOS better because it has better aesthetics (which is a personal opinion), I’m used to it, and I’m in the ecosystem. Some may like Android better. So be it.

Stop trying to get people to change their minds, though. They won’t.

Jun 11, 2024, 6:08 PM
1 0 3


I’ve been seeing a lot of controversy on the internet regarding the fact that iOS 18 is bringing RCS (which is going to make the texting experience better for literally everyone). People are saying that when compare the RCS and iMessage standards, iMessage is inherently better. They’re half correct - yes, iMessage has a lot of features that RCS will most likely never have. However, what they’re missing is the fact that iMessage isn’t a standard. It’s a proprietary, internet-based chat software owned exclusively by Apple. Yeah, texting between iPhones and Androids is never going to be as good as texting between two iPhones, but it’s not because there’s a superior “standard”. It’s because Apple knows that their ecosystem is how they lock customers in, and so they won’t ever allow iMessage to be a standard, nor will they try very hard to keep up to date with RCS standards.


an attempt has been made

just as a test, I decided to redo my own branding. what yall think? I am absolutely in love with the orange and magenta color scheme. might be my favorite color combination i’ve ever used.

this feels like a dystopian trap to find the people who know so much about fentanyl that they probably use it

what the fuck

this was on the DEA’s website

Jun 9, 2024, 7:13 PM
5 1 0

@da-ta we should definitely do a branding contest

@dertermenter is the king of posting unpopular opinions, getting banned, and then making a comeback just days later

Jun 9, 2024, 6:09 PM
4 0 1

remember kids

V = IR

I = V/R

R = V/I

i feel so productive i just programmed an entire website for my friend in 20 minutes

time to write the last half of the essay that’s due at midnight tonight

nine months on wo.m let’s goo

i’ve been wasting money since the beginning of the school year, and I graduate in three weeks

I fear no man.

But that thing…

It scares me.