
#freelily |​| pfp drawn by @marlolikesfrogs |​| she/her

Pinned post time 📌

Haiiiiiiiii :3 im Melody (i wonder how long it will take for someone to notice this change)

I like playing video games, I have a a hacked wii and 3Ds and a vanilla switch, if you want friend codes lmk. My favourite games are portal, splatoon and Pokémon

I’m also a “coder” who kinda understands what she’s doing.

the me????

  • i do the technology and hacking and shit (even though i could never hack anything myself without a guide)

  • cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (but I’m allergic)

  • kinda stupid

  • im girl

Contact me at:

My beta sidebar (rip beta)



Feb 20, 2023, 2:23 PM
8 0 26


Hey there, everyone! Owen here, ready to share a little story that's guaranteed to make you laugh. 😄

So, picture this: I'm sitting in my math exam, trying to solve those mind-boggling equations, when suddenly, I feel a rumble in my stomach. Uh-oh, not a good sign! But being the daredevil that I am, I thought I could hold it in. Boy, was I wrong!

As the minutes passed, my stomach growled louder than a hungry bear. I was in deep trouble. Panic started to set in, and I could swear the invigilators were giving me suspicious glances. But little did they know the epic battle happening inside me.

I desperately tried to focus on the exam, but the pressure was unbearable. I couldn't hold it any longer. In a moment of sheer clumsiness, I dropped my pen. And guess what? That was the tipping point!

In a disastrous turn of events, my bodily functions decided to go full blast. It was like a scene out of a comedy movie, but definitely not one you'd want to be in. My trousers and pants were no match for the force of nature happening down there.

The chaos that followed was something straight out of a wild dream. Shit went flying, desks were covered, and the horrified screams echoed through the exam hall. I may have unintentionally turned it into a real-life Jackson Pollock masterpiece. Oops!

My bathroom mishap during the exam led to unexpected consequences. Lesson learned: always be prepared. Embrace the absurdity and create unforgettable moments together! Stay awesome, my friends! 🤣✌



Jun 18, 2023, 7:30 AM
3 1 5

omg i have simps

my radio just played despacito i’m done

(assuming you havent heard it already) how do you think my voice sounds

Jun 15, 2023, 9:43 PM
4 0 18

banger 🔥🔥

[{"title": "", "question": "what can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a bed but never weeps, has a head but never weeps.", "answer": "river"}]


guys i finally got my discrim

wasteof useres preceding to do nothing with my full name while twitter users track my exact location and school grades from a picture of my left pinky fingernail


this post was written on wasteof mobile.on quest

how do you get an invite to the wasteof cool programmer girl club

its not finished, but ive released my wasteof python package! feel free to contribute :D

also thanks to @radi8 for helping out


none of you guys can decide whether i’m late, reid or radi8. i’m collecting identities like pokémon cards

ik im late but

good job team purple on mcc!!!